SILENCEJulien Magre

Silence – Julien Magre – Galerie Madé

From October 17 to December 20, 2024

Poster size: 29.7 x 42 cm

Poster price: €10.00 (excluding postage)

Poster available at the gallery, for shipping please contact us .

FAR EAST – Geraldine Lay
Weight: 400g
Dimensions: 21 x 28.5cm
Date of publication: 2023
EAN: 9782490140404
Publisher: Pursuit Editions
ISBN: 9782490140404
Number of pages: 112
Binding: Paperback

Price : 30€

Oublie Oublie
By Anne Immele
128 pages
Edition of 400 ex
Print on Muken Polar paper
Conception © Anne-Lise Broyer & Anne Immelé

Price : 25,00€

Jardins du RiesthalAnne Immelé

Jardin du Riesthal
By Anne Immele
Text by Jean-Christophe Bailly in French and English
and by Corinne Maury 
Editor : Media Pop Editions
Graphic design : Anne Lise Broyer 

First edition of 600 copies 
21 Octobre 2022
20 cm x 23 cm
Hard cover, 128 pages + 1 booklet
Printed at Escourbiac Printers  

Normal edition – 30€

Limited and unmerited edition with an original analog print (picture 16 x 16 cm on a 18 x 20 cm. Ilford warmpaper – 130€

Concrete doesn’t burn – Bertrand Cavalier

Concrete doesn’t burn

Fw:Books, 2020

Size : 24 x 29,5 cm, 160 pages / first edition 500 ex.


Design Hans Gremmen

Price : 35,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Womb – Lucile Boiron


Libraryman, 2019

Book size : 20,5 x 27,5 cm, 48 pages

Special edition (signed and includes a print) : 300,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

PercevoirMarguerite Bornhauser

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est thumbnail_Capture-décran-2021-10-12-à-10.23.14.png.
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Sans-titre-1-1024x392.jpg.

To perceive (verb tr.): to seize, to take knowledge by the senses, the intuition or the understanding.

‘Marguerite Bornhauser likes to walk us through the surface of the world: textures, details and, of course, colors, her most obvious signature to anyone contemplating her photographs for the first time. An image from here will evoke an elsewhere, a distant image will seem familiar. And all these scrambled tracks lead us on the path of fiction… The book will propose a journey through his series When Black is burnedContainment DiaryRed Fish, the Noise of the CactusPlastic Colors… The musician and composer Flavien Berger offers to this opus a poem, Retina Star, which comes to resonate with the colorful universe of Marguerite Bornhauser.’


August 2021, Editions de La Martinière

Size : 17 x 24 cm

128 pages

Text by Flavien Berger

Price : 20.90 €


KOLACéline Clanet

Céline Clanet travelled for five years in the Kola Peninsula; an arctic territory located in the extreme northwest of Russia. Kola is a harsh land, where the inhabitants have to make do with a two-month sunless winter and a whole year under arctic climate.

The book Kola accompanies the reader into this fragmented land, divided between heavy mining industries, secret military activities and reindeer herding by an indigenous people; all separated by invisible borders.

Christian Garcin was inspired by the characters photographed by Céline Clanet to write a fictional short story where destiny and history intersect.


October 2018, Editions LOCO

Size : 22 x 26 cm, 160 pages

84 four-colour process and monochrome reproductions

Bound full sylvertex, American dust jacket

Texts by Christian Garcin
Price : 45 €

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Tall TalesHally Pancer

Get out of the photographic series. Dare to write a visual allusive but conscious of reality. To free oneself from any obligation of unity of time, place, context.
This is what Hally Pancer, American-Israeli photographer, is experimenting with and proposing. By drawing from her photographic archives, by exploding categories, by mixing spontaneous and intimate images with more recent and constructed ones, she offers us a journey, or rather the possibility of multiple journeys. And it is this possible that gives these little stories in three images all their richness.

Tall Tales
Arnaud Bizalion editeur, Novembre 2019
Size: 27 x 21,5cm
15 x 21cm of 140 pages
150 photographs
spiral binding
ISBN : 978-2_36980-183-2
Price: 33€

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Red HarvestMarguerite Bornheuser

Borrowing its title from Dashiell Hammet’s book, pioneer of the American noir novel, Red Harvest is an extension of Marguerite Bornhauser’s work initiated and presented at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in June 2019.

« The artist presents a selection of pictures from it recent production which, through unpublished visual associations, seem to be the starting point of an enigmatic narrative. These pictures set a scene where the torpor of summer skies, indolent bodies and play of light are suddenly interrupted by a broken glass or a splash – all signs that something has just happened.

Marguerite Bornhauser’s work combines fortuitous scenes and carefully constructed compositions, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. By refusing to caption his photographs and place them in their shooting context, the artist makes each image the origin of a deliberately subjective narrative. His photographic language, marked by intense colours, implacable shadows and close-ups, offers a free interpretation of reality. »

Red Harvest

Poursuite Editions, November 2019

Size: 23 x 32 cm, 32 pages, spiral binding

Text by Simon Baker

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

PoemsAlan Eglinton 

In Poems, Alan Eglinton opens up his photographic practice to another way of making images. He observes everyday scenes with the naked eye or tells his life experiences, very often with a pinch of humour. He chooses a pen or a typewriter instead of a camera, leaving the latter to rest temporarily. “I always like discovering home anew after coming back from a foreign country”, he says.


Datz Press, South Korea, September 2019
100 signed and numbered copies 1 original black and white print

Price if the book : 90 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Only the fires sayAlan Eglinton

Only the fires say

Poursuites Editions, March 2018.

Size of the book : 21 x 27,5 cm, 64 pages, signed

Price of the book : 25,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

ItaliaMark Steinmetz


Nazraeli Press, 2010

Size of the book : 14,5 x 21 cm, 16 pages, signed

14 pictures N&B + 1 color print

Price of the book : 120,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Plastic ColorsMarguerite Bornhauser

Plastic Colors

Editions du LIC, First Edition 2017

Size of the book : 16 x 24 cm, 32 pages

Price of the book : 30,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Olivier Jacquet – Vacan ce

Vacan ce

Editions de la Croix du Loup, 2016

Size of the book : 18 x 26 cm, 32 pages

Price of the book : 50,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

PortraitsMichel Amet 


Madé Collection, 2006

Size of the book : 19,8 x 25,9 cm, 43 pages

Price of the book : 20,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Contre-NatureMichel Sedan 


Madé Collection, 2006

Size of the book : 19,8 x 25,9 cm, 39 pages

Price of the book : 20,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Moonlight ZooJean-François Lepage 

Moonlight Zoo

Prestel, June 2015

Book size: 21.1 x 24.8 cm, 192 pages

Price of the book : 50,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Tokyo MobileMarc Philbert 

Tokyo Mobile

Madé Collection, March 2018

Size of the book: 27 x 20 cm, 34 pages

Price of the book : 40,00 € (excluding postage) – 200 copies

The first 15 copies in a head print are accompanied by an original signed photo.

Price of the book: 120,00 € (excl. postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Paris in my timeMark Steinmetz

Paris in my time

Nazraeli, August 2013

Size of the book : 36,4 x 30 cm, 54 pages, signed

Price of the book : 80,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

Steve Hiett – She knows me to well

She knows me to well

Madé Gallery, September 2017

Poster size: 29.7 x 42 cm

Price of the poster : 10,00 € (excluding postage)

Poster available at the gallery, for any sending please contact us.

Steve Hiett – Polaroïds


Madé Gallery, September 2017

Poster size: 29.7 x 42 cm

Price of the poster : 10,00 € (excluding postage)

Poster available at the gallery, for any sending please contact us.

January 1Andrea Modica

January 1

L’Artière Editions, 2018

Book size: 23.3 x 28.4 cm, 64 pages

Price of the book : 55,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.

As we wait – Andrea Modica 

As we wait

L’Artière Editions, 2015

Book size: 24.5 x 30.5 cm, 72 pages, Second Edition of 1000 copies, Signed

Price of the book : 55,00 € (excluding postage)

Book available at the gallery, for any shipment please contact us.